“Becoming” Growth Group

Through my work in Styling over the years, there is one thing I know to be true. For a person to feel truly powerful in their style and life, they must be willing to grow. This insight inspired me to become a certified Coach to better serve my clients which then launched Growth Groups. I have seen beautiful transformations over the years in these groups. People who gained clarity of vision in their lives, those who felt seen and heard for the first time, those who went after pursuits they once thought impossible, and people who gained confidence, and broke out of social anxiety.

The idea is this… The group is meant to develop both intra-personal and inter-personal connections. Receiving commentary from others builds a strong connection to members within the group as well as a stronger relationship with ourselves as we share our journey with our objective. Becoming means the process of coming to be something. We may be better than we used to be, enough for right now, but also in the process of BECOMING an even better version of ourselves. Each person in Becoming will have a personal objective they will work through in this group. The possibilities are limitless, as you work out of one objective, you can choose another area to focus on because the work is never truly finished.